2D Chests Assets - Classic

Hand-painted set of classical chests. AAA quality. High resolution. Demo scenes and previews. Everything set and ready for use. Includes PSD Files.

You can get them here:
or here:
Pack Contains:

- 3 x styled chests 1280x1280 PNG/PSD files.

- 3 states for each chest (closed, opened-empty, opened-loot)

- two types of loot: gold and crystals

- [Android Preview]

- [Web GL Preview]

Currently, we are working on the VFX for these chests, so you can expect to see them in the next update.

Make sure to check our other products:

First Sketches

First Sketches

Cover Image

Cover Image

Screenshot #1

Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

Screenshot #3

Screenshot #4

Screenshot #4

2D Chests Assets - Classic Teaser